95 The Uncut Spirit. A garden bouquet for Granny’s 112th birthday.

Lilian Audrey Mason born May 30 1903

Especially for my maternal grandmother. A bouquet with the living spirits of English wilderness, the uncut garden. Her character was that of May flowers – inwardly strong and outwardly soft. Her qualities: patience, kindness, generosity, humour, constancy, solidarity and  love. Her youth was in the giddy time of the Twenties flappers. She carried light luggage wherever she went, bringing brightness, calm, contentment, balance and immense respect and regard. Flowers may fade, but memories last.

From the English garden, here is apple blossom with a young deer in lushest grass,  buzzy bee in the azalea, mysterious magnolia,  funny face pansy and foliage from my mother’s walled garden, beautiful peony and unwrapping poppy.

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© 2015 La Floralie

94 La Floralie’s first 12 months.

Spring breathes deeply, in and out. With rhythmic precision the seasons follow and effect our land to rise strongly with the sun, and fall gently like the rain.

One gradually realises that nothing is in transition, Nature’s technology is constant. Its essence moves across our world exactly like breathing.




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© 2015 La Floralie

82 A Song of Sunshine…. Mr Robin chirps in the solar eclipse … Flora plays the long shadow

It starts.

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From a mid branch of the morning, Mr Robin’s morning music would accompany the shadowing of the sun at 9.05am GMT.

Then right at the edge of the new season’s unique moment, the birds went duly silent and all went very still as the moon continued to close its move in dominating the falling of light at the start of this unique day. A celebratory way to close the Winter. And in the long of the short of it, the trees had their own shadow eclipse pavement party. This was the shortest party ever, but most memorable.

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Two daffodils on a very ordinary grassy corner took note, and discussed the meaning of what was half light and half dark.  With the sun shining through, they knew they were part of one glorious moment of truth – that occasional timing we can never prepare for,  a rare juncture of consummate perfection, where petals saturated with warmth and brightest light, back and front, hit purest yellow.  If this was to be their last day in bloom, to be the brightest yellow with the heavenly blues above , along with Mr Robin’s Song of Sunshine and the emerald grass, this was a life full of excellence. And knowing they had felt a perfect day with so many perfect moments, they were satisfied.

As the light moved across their quietude to a new future, the remnants of purple Winter broccoli and Autumn fallings would also see the sun and moon for the first time,

It promises to be an immense Spring.

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© 2015 La Floralie


81 Oh! When Ivy’s tendrils needs a beard trim.. it must be nearly Spring

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Appearances, appearances…Let’s see how much happier a tree can be once we can turn the corner on Spring’s first day. We are nearly there…  Gosh what a state after the cold spell. That Winter hormonal coarse branch fluff has to shape up nicely, unwanted hairy branches are not quite right.

And then let’s replenish the rich waxy complexion of her leaf with a little hydration.

After the UK’s partial eclipse of the sun due today, what might the new season have in store?


© 2015 La Floralie