56 A Winter Weekend Escape



DAY 1  FRIDAY 23 January

Exploring January’s Beautiful Blues




EVENING  FRIDAY 23 January   

Private View 

Magnolia’s giant seed heads in abstract performance at dusk.

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Spider engineering

The strength of a fragile spider’s web can just be seen in partnership with the magnolia. A spider defines the horizontals and verticals of space. Through its own construction and engineering skills, it connects “mini-world” from one branch to another. All can share a spot in viewing a sundown, because of the Spider Brunels and Spider Eiffels.


Human nature works by imagination as well as inspiration.

On reflection, on what was written above, the straight spider’s thread, appears to be an overhead electricity cable.  This will now be checked, whilst author’s creative licence is sometimes necessary, here, observations must be as accurate as possible.

However, rather than express disappointment,  any spider worth its 8 legs in exercise,  could definitely travel up a cable or two and construct a good web.

Even at great risk of electrocution, a spider’s skills in spinning yarns and creating lace and nets, can also be used for trapeze and high-wire walking. At the end of a day’s efforts, watching a January sunset is just reward for any air-breathing arthropod. Something that in Winter, no hibernating bumble bee could ever be able to achieve, but on Sunday Day 3 we will see how a bee’s time will be spent in other ways.

For a weekend escape, this Saturday morning is another blue, but very cool, Winter’s day in England.

© 2015 La Floralie