107 Floral ballet miniatures: Gladioli’s pas de deux with her shadow…

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It was a drab afternoon in the vase of Life and facing the very blandest of walls, even the former brightness of the floral ballerina in her perfect once vibrant, sunset salmon pink tutu could not resist the dullness of a rainwash of an ageing summer’s day. But now sadly fading, what was there to do?  Feel the approach of truth and time;  await the rising of the evening electric light, listen to the wall and reflect with the company of one’s shadows.

It could be a very fine dance if one let it.  Even Margot Fonteyn danced Romeo’s Juliet in her late 50s. Just because of a seasonless and blueless day, just because of continued English rain and overhanging coolness,  despondency did not have to take hold. She would with grace, gradually assume her new form, but enjoy her fully petalled memories with relish and gratitude. And with herself and with her imaginary ” once-loved” brought back to life from the high summer days of mid July, and who shared the same vase, rather than play the tragic heroine of the ill fated romance,  the future would instead, be set for hope and amends with the past. Summer did have to move on,  there will be no resistance as Autumn will begin to feel its way from tonight.

The musical choice, the Holst’s Venus,  Bringer of Peace, London Symphony Orchestra. Delicate and joyful as all gladioli are.


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