108 Memories of Purple Rain and Journeys of Grass from Wood and Sea



FUTURE POSTS after No.108 WILL CONTINUE@ https://lafloralie2.wordpress.com/about/

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A very contrary September,wet Saturdays, sunny Sundays, hedgerows are now turning orange, leaves crisp and curl inwards, but a favourite of British gardens and urban walks still will be, as long as possible, the purple Buddlea.   Struggling through the disappearing hours of daylight as Autumn makes its way, it allows us to savour the memories of its vibrant best in highest summer. As violet’s intensity gradually distills to paler mauvey tones, it will still attract the butterflies and bees and be in total denial of any seasonal change. It seems that all Nature tries to  grasp and keep its youth for as long as possible, especially when it realises that even the best of youth has to change.

In Summer,  the grass is always greener, but when the sun is at its hottest and most life-giving, we yearn for the shade. Those enchanted hidden woods by oldest streams become our dream. Walking through that land, and being guided by the water, the story of ourselves becomes visible as river and wood make their exit to the sea.

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Follow that water out of the woods, over the rocks and into the sand.  As the tides part the rocks, salty flowers and gentle floating hairlines of seaweed waving gently on shorelines and rock pools, are but a few metres away from their own evolutions through the swirlings of acrid salt, light and time. These resulting structures which form Nature’s novel “Endeavours of Algaeic to Algebriac”, now sit in less than a few metres from each other, yet countless millions of years apart.


Such a constant exposed clamber it was through solar wind, rain, sun and storm before reaching the patient guard of higher rocks and clifftop soil. Before our saltless green grass  grew up on “Jerusalem” hills, their feet in ancient time, dragged and pushed their identities as the lowliest harsh thorns and flattest lichen. As such, long, long before they could reach that silent watching place of Walter de la Mare’s  “forest’s ferny floor”, they were forced to be cruelly wretched.  Martyred before a green still peace could be possible, Flora’s evolution required pilgrims of chlorophyll just trying to find some solace on upper ground.

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Up on the cliffs, a strange coastal ‘eidelweiss looking’ dry flower in the C21st summer comes equipped with mathematical precision in its central dial.  Growing alongside its crisp clean dry creaminess, the business of wild, blackest juniper berries in small bushes and then just below, the impartial rock yellow succulents, neither water plant or hill grass.

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The whole scene becomes a triumph of summer coastline. I can touch it now. Watch the sea go out, watch the sea come in.  In the passing of an afternoon, just there in the sunshine, with a few hours a-wandering, the world can be summed up for much much more than a few moments in passing. Rising to the top of the cliff is now a land. Green perfection. Memories are made of this.


© 2015 La Floralie


  1. Hello 🙂

    I am new to this field but eternally curious 🙂

    I want to ask: What is buddleia?

    What is purple rain?

    Beautiful pictures and I wish you very best in your study and writing.


    Anand 🙂


    1. Hi there.. yes be very curious :)! Buddleia is the tree whose long drooping blossoms in purple are in the picture. Actually you made me realise I should label my images where needed – so thanks for that! The purple rain is my analogy for that particular floral experience experience in the picture. Buddleia also grows with light mauve blossoms and white blossoms. It attracts many insects. Thank you so much for your kind words. Much appreciated 🙂


      1. Ah! Everything makes sense now, except the word ‘mauve.’ Glad about the realization too. Following you closely will really make me more aware of flora and fauna 🙂 Thanks 🙂

      2. and there I was thinking you were making an allusion to a Prince song 🙂 ! but the purple ones do look like purple rain. What wonderful words we have in English to describe shades of things – “mauve’ is such a pretty word 🙂

    2. Anand, you have learnt some new words for the colour purple you said. I am wondering in your language, are there many different words for different shades of the one colour?


      1. these replies to replies get a bit tricky – not sure if this will appear above or below – but im replying to your comment! I am fascinated by languages
        and their intertwining with culture. for example in the Inuit language there are over 50 different words for differing types of snow, as they see so much snow
        in their world. so we have words for differing shades and hues of colours. But – some people and some groups of people, see colours we don’t.
        so interesting, human perception.

  2. This was amazing! You’ve given me new eyes to take on my hikes! Sadly, no hikes in the mountains for the next few months, maybe season due to unforeseen family events. I’ll cherish your posts!


    1. Wowww!! I’m so pleased! I look forward to your hikes and thank you. Its amazing how many realisations come together from just bouncing observations and thoughts through the ether… This is where technology to connect internationally is such a gift….Brilliant:)


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